oversee the digital and eRetail channel at coopervision emea

Oversaw the digital and eRetail channel for EMEA at CooperVision

Context and objectives

CooperVision is the #2 global contact lens manufacturer. The pharmaceutical company reach $2 000M revenue across the globe, especially through the distribution of the Biofinity brand. 

The contact lens industry was under massive digital transformation since this product perfectly fits to the eCommerce business model. Consumers needs contact lens every month ; it’s a small which fits in the mailbox and the product has high margins. Thus, hundreds of eCommerce retailers were selling those products creating important chanel conflicts with traditional distribution channels.

Main activities

In the contact both strategic and operational, I’ve defined and clarified the distribution strategy on the eCommerce channel. I’ve managed key accounts representatives across EMEA to 

  • Define and apply the pricing and discount strategy
  • Set up relevant partnerships with eTailers across Europe

In addition, I’ve did clarify the Amazon distribution strategy.


eCommerce sales continue to grow with 2 digits and reached $60M / year which decreasing channel conflicts with traditional retailers.

Partnerships were set up with both eTalers and omnichannel retailers to launch new products and capture new contact lens wearers.